Categories for Auto Repair Shop

Cross section of catalytic converter with sensor flue gas

What Catalytic Converters Do—and Why They’re So Expensive

September 19, 2018 10:20 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Most people pay no mind to their catalytic converter unless they suddenly fail an emissions test or have a check engine light that comes on. If you’re like the average car owner, you probably are unfamiliar with what the catalytic converter does, how much it costs to replace one and how it works. With this in mind, here’s everything you need to know about catalytic converters, courtesy of the experts at a longtime auto repair shop in Madison, TN. The job of a catalytic converter Catalytic converters work the entire time you use your vehicle to clear out any unburned... View Article

Mechanic shows air filter to female customer during maintenance

Change Your Cabin Filters Regularly

September 4, 2018 4:26 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When you think about the kinds of tasks you need to perform for regular vehicle maintenance, you probably think about things such as oil changes, tire maintenance, brake pad inspections, spark plug changes, oil filter changes and engine air filter changes. However, most people forget about the cabin air filter, and some don’t even realize that filter even exists. Yes, you do have a cabin air filter, and yes, it does play an important role in your vehicle. For this reason, it’s important to give it some attention when you perform your routine vehicle maintenance and swap it out as... View Article

The Benefits of Using an Independent Repair Shop Rather Than the Dealership

May 9, 2018 10:06 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you purchased your vehicle from a dealership, there’s a good chance you have some sort of repair or maintenance package in place that allows you to get your tune-ups and other repairs performed either for free or for a lower price for a certain amount of time after your purchase. Obviously, this is a benefit you’re going to want to take advantage of for as long as you can. But once the time runs out on that service package, you should seriously consider whether going to the dealership for repairs and general maintenance is actually in your best interest.... View Article

Straight Antifreeze vs. Antifreeze Solutions

April 25, 2018 10:06 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re not extremely familiar with cars and standard auto maintenance tasks, you might not know exactly how to go about adding antifreeze to your vehicle. In fact, we receive a lot of questions from our customers about antifreeze, as it’s one of those tasks that’s pretty easy to perform yourself. The most common question about antifreeze that we receive at our auto repair shop in Madison, TN is, “Why can’t I just pour straight antifreeze into the cooling system?” It’s an understandable question if you don’t know much about cars—pouring in straight antifreeze would save you the time of... View Article

How to Prep Your Car for the Summer Heat

March 29, 2018 6:56 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The summer heat can take a toll on a vehicle. Right before summer starts is the best time to check it for any issues. Routine maintenance from an auto repair shop in Madison, TN can keep your car running smoothly and keep you from experiencing any expensive breakdowns in the heat. Here are some of the important car parts you should check before summer: Air conditioning: Cars can get dangerously hot in high temperatures. After being out of use for the winter, make sure to test your air conditioner. Drive around with the air on and see if the air... View Article