Categories for Auto Repair Shop

A vehicle repair technician may have got the wrong car

Why Second Opinions Can Never Hurt

January 17, 2019 10:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

You go to your quick lube station because you’re having troubles with your vehicle, and one of the technicians tells you that the problem is a leak in your oil pain or crankshaft seal. If you don’t know much about cars, you’ll likely be satisfied with this explanation and pay for the repair. What you might not realize, however, is that the leak typically actually starts somewhere higher up, such as a valve cover. But because most of the time spent by technicians at a quick lube shop is underneath the vehicle, the oil pan is what they’re going to... View Article


Understanding Why Brake Systems Fail

December 31, 2018 6:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Your braking system is undoubtedly one of the most crucial components of your vehicle. Without properly functioning brakes, you’re a hazard to yourself and everyone else out on the road. Your braking system is made up of a number of different components that all have to work in harmony to ensure you can slow down and come to a full stop when needed. The following information from an automotive repair shop in Madison, TN will teach you why you need to know about braking systems and why they fail: Fluid leaks: Brake fluid is responsible for making the different components... View Article

Thermostat engine cooling system of the internal combustion machine

The Basics of Cooling Systems

December 5, 2018 4:04 am Published by Leave your thoughts

How familiar are you with the components of your vehicle’s cooling system? For most car owner’s, their knowledge ends at the interior control system. You know how to turn it off and on to keep your car cool and comfortable. Beyond that, you probably aren’t sure about what the various components do or why they fail. Following is an overview from your auto repair shop in Madison, TN to familiarize yourself with this system. If you have any questions about your cooling system or its operation, don’t hesitate to contact your local auto repair shop in Madison, TN for more... View Article

Automobile radiator detached from engine

How Does a Radiator Work?

November 2, 2018 9:02 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The radiator is an essential part of any engine’s cooling system. Without it, it’s very easy for the engine to overheat and seize up, causing the car to stop running completely. The engine creates a tremendous amount of heat as it burns fuel and generates friction. If this heat stays put, it’s liable to break the pistons and shut down the engine. The radiator is one part of the cooling system that kicks in to release this heat. All of this means you need a well-functioning radiator to ensure your car’s long-term health. If you want your car to run... View Article

car gearshift box isolated on white

How Does an Automatic Transmission Work?

October 19, 2018 9:02 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The experience of driving a vehicle with an automatic transmission, which is present in most cars Americans drive, is significantly different than driving a manual transmission. With an automatic transmission, there’s no need to use a clutch or manually shift gears. Just change it from “park” to “drive,” and you’re good to go! However, what’s happening under the hood is more or less the same with both manual and automatic transmissions. This process is absolutely essential to making your car function. The transmission’s gears utilize the engine’s torque to allow the engine to keep moving without overheating. If you’re having... View Article