Categories for Auto Maintenance

The Importance of Customer Loyalty in the Automotive Industry

February 21, 2022 7:13 pm Published by

Building trust among customers and retaining their business is important in any industry—but it’s an even bigger deal in the automotive maintenance industry because drivers tend to return to the same auto shop each time their vehicle needs a tune-up or repairs. This post will cover why customer loyalty is so crucial for any auto maintenance service: Greater customer retention: As we just mentioned, customers tend to use the same auto shop each time their vehicle needs some help. By treating your customers well and building up that trust, you’ll get repeat business year after year. Competitive advantage: If you... View Article

Tips for Preventing Catalytic Converter Theft

December 9, 2021 10:47 pm Published by

It seems that any time you log onto social media these days or turn on the news, there’s always one story that gets mentioned: an uptick in the number of catalytic converters that are being stolen directly off of cars. Thieves are able to quickly and efficiently remove them from parked cars, sometimes even from a person’s own driveway. This is a serious issue, as a catalytic converter replacement can be an extremely expensive proposition. Thieves know that these pollution-decreasing devices contain precious metals that can fetch high prices on the black market, so the incentive is there. Also, instances... View Article

Six Car Fluids to Change on a Regular Basis

March 23, 2021 3:39 am Published by

Cars require routine maintenance to keep them operating as reliably as possible. Unfortunately, a lot of people aren’t familiar with which specific maintenance services are necessary to keep their vehicles in good working order. Thankfully, there are some basic guidelines that can help vehicle owners stay on track. Read on to learn about six fluids to change in your car in Madison, TN. Here are some of the most important fluids to change to keep your car well maintained: Engine oil: Engine oil is one of the most important fluids in a car. Oil lubricates the moving parts in an... View Article

Woman in protective mask sitting in a car on road, using hand sanitizer.

Car Maintenance and Repair During COVID-19

March 9, 2021 3:39 am Published by

A lot of people have reduced their commuting and traveling since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, but that doesn’t mean car maintenance isn’t still necessary. However, because of how much has happened in the last year, a lot of drivers have simply forgotten to stay on top of car maintenance and repair during COVID-19, which has resulted in a lot of mechanical problems for drivers. Dealing with major issues can be very expensive, so it’s always best to invest in preventative maintenance and repair during COVID-19 and beyond. Maintaining cars during COVID-19 There are a lot of things to... View Article

Flat Tire Broken Axis Wrecked Car

Components That Should Be Checked During a Front End Inspection

February 3, 2021 7:51 pm Published by

A front end inspection, which is available to all Madison TN drivers, is a routine type of preventative maintenance that involves inspecting the components of your vehicle’s suspension. These components usually include bushings, tie rod ends, struts, mounts and more. Wear and tear to any of these components may cause major damage to your vehicle in the long run, which is why it’s important to routinely have a front end inspection. During a front end inspection, a Madison TN auto repair shop will usually have a mechanic take a look under your vehicle and see if any parts have experienced... View Article