
Check Your Ride Before You Hit the Road This Summer

July 15, 2016 12:59 am Published by

If you are getting ready to hit the road for some last minute traveling, then you better get your vehicle to the auto shop near you before you do so. The summer heat can be especially brutal on your car. And when you take into consideration that the road is full of dangers, it’s best for you to have a car that is in good working condition on your side.

Do the Penny Tread Test

Examine the treads on your tires and make sure that there is enough of them left. If you can stick a penny with President Lincoln’s head down in-between the treads and not see any of his head, then your treads are in good shape. If you stick the penny with Lincoln’s head face down in-between your treads and can see any of his face, then it is time for you to get your tires replaced.

Practice Safe Driving

One of the best ways to see to everyone’s safety on the road is to be mindful of your own. Engage in safe driving maneuvers, wear seat belts and avoid driving while distracted. Report any drivers who are in engaged in suspected bad driving behaviors by calling 911 once you are safely off the road.

Keep Up With Auto Maintenance

Nothing is more frustrating or more expensive than getting stuck on the road because your vehicle has broken down. Make sure your vehicle has had all of its required maintenance before you go anywhere. Getting your vehicle serviced locally in Tennessee is a great way for you to avoid overpaying for anything related to your vehicle. Plus, it allows you to have greater peace of mind so you can enjoy yourself more now that you don’t have to worry about anything going wrong with your car while you are away from home.

Don’t leave car maintenance and repair issues up to chance. Stop by Rivergate Muffler Complete Auto Repair today to make an appointment with our technicians.

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This post was written by RivergateMuffler

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