Things to Keep in Your Car in Case You’re Stranded in Cold Weather
November 23, 2020 7:57 pm Leave your thoughtsCold weather can make any situation more difficult to manage, and driving is no exception. Something like a flat tire might not be that big of a deal in pleasant weather, but it can easily turn dangerous in an ice storm or blizzard. Keeping yourself and your family safe should be your top priority, so it’s a great idea to keep some winter survival items in your car in Madison, TN that will help in the event you’re ever stranded:
- Sturdy ice scraper/brush: Most mornings in the wintertime are going to require at least a little scraping on your windows, so it’s a good idea to invest in a quality scraper. Nobody wants to be chipping away at it with a credit card or some other junk you found in your car, so always have one of these at the ready to deal with snow and ice.
- Blankets: Some of the best tools to have in the car for winter in Madison, TN aren’t really “tools” at all. Keeping blankets in the car gives you the peace of mind that you’ll be able to keep warm while you wait for help if you ever have a flat tire, engine failure or worse. Make sure you have at least one or two in your car at all times.
- Rock salt/kitty litter: You can also use a bag of sand, but regardless, you want to be sure you have some sort of coarse granular material to help your car get out of snow or ice. Spreading this material under the tires and directly in front of them will help your car gain traction and get out of a sticky situation.
- First aid kit: This one should be a year-round staple, but make sure it’s fully stocked going into the wintertime. If you raided it for the bandages or rubbing alcohol, replace those items before the snow and ice start up again.
- Flashlight: Winter survival items in your car in Madison, TN need to help you adjust to the season, and a flashlight does just that by preparing you for shorter days and more darkness. Negotiating a car problem in total darkness is a nightmare—avoid it at all costs!
- Jumper cables: Cold weather can be brutal on batteries, so be sure you always have jumper cables on hand in case yours dies or you need to help someone else start their car. Also, take the time to learn how to use them ahead of time—nobody wants to learn while shivering on the side of the road!
Keeping some basic winter survival items in your car in Madison, TN can be the difference between a mild inconvenience and a dangerous situation. It takes very little time to get these items together, so don’t delay in preparing your car for bad winter weather. Also, now is not the time to procrastinate on repairs—even something as seemingly minor as a check engine light should be inspected by the pros at Rivergate Muffler & Auto Repair before you hit the road. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
Categorised in: Driving Tips
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