Categories for Automotive Repair Service

Organic Brakes vs. Ceramic: What’s the Difference?

November 1, 2017 8:36 pm Published by

Are you the type of person who waits until the last possible moment to start braking? Do you unconsciously ride your brakes down hills? Are you a “brake tapper” when there’s heavy traffic? All of these habits take a toll on your brakes, leading them to need replacement quicker than they might normally. Brakes are a cornerstone of routine auto repair service in Madison, TN. But more than just getting your brakes replaced when they call for it, it’s a smart idea to understand your driving habits so you can understand which type(s) of brakes may be best suited for... View Article

Regular Heat Checks Are a Priority Before Winter Arrives

October 15, 2017 8:36 pm Published by

The heat going out in your vehicle is a much bigger problem than it might seem to be on the surface. You’ll be cold while you drive the 20 minutes to work. That’s not so bad, right? Sure, it might not be. But what happens when you can’t defrost your windows, or when your malfunctioning heater core starts to affect the other parts around it? Heater repair and all of the issues that come along with it are things that can be avoided with routine heat checks. The next time you visit an automotive repair service in Madison, TN for... View Article