What’s Involved In An AC Tune Up For My Car?
April 24, 2023 8:30 pmWhat’s Involved In An AC Tune Up For My Car?
You might see signs encouraging you to get a tune up on your car’s air conditioning system this spring. But what exactly does that entail?
Inspecting The Cooling System
The cooling system is responsible for circulating coolant to soak up the heat from the engine. Having it properly maintained and working at its peak performance is critical to your vehicle’s overall health and longevity. Leaks in the cooling system are a sure sign of a breakdown, and allowing them to go unchecked is a major cause of engine overheating and expensive repair bills. If you notice your temperature gauge rising, a pool of coolant beneath your car or rust-colored stains in the engine bay, it’s time to call a service technician for an inspection. Look for signs of leaks or clogs around the radiator cap, on hoses throughout the engine compartment (check the ends where they are clamped to other components) and on the radiator itself. If you see any, tighten the clamps to prevent any future leaks.
Checking The Refrigerant Level
Your car’s AC system relies on the refrigerant to provide cool air. It is a gas or fluid that absorbs hot air from the outside space, then converts it to low-pressure liquid form which helps cool the coils in your air conditioner. When the refrigerant levels in your air conditioning system are low, you may experience diminished cooling or zero cooling at all. The system is designed to shut off when the pressure gets too low. In this case, you will need to refill the system with refrigerant. However, you should not charge the system with too much refrigerant, as this can cause damage to the components.
Cleaning The Compressor
During normal operation, foulants like exhaust fumes, salt, sand, and essential lubricants can build up inside your compressor. If left to accumulate, these contaminants can cause the machine to overheat, and eventually fail altogether. Another important part of your compressor is its heat exchangers. They are used to remove the excess heat from the air as it passes through the compressor. The heat exchangers should be cleaned at least once a year. This will help ensure the compressor stays efficient and reduces oil usage. In addition, it’s a good idea to clean the hoses and belts on your compressor regularly. These parts are susceptible to leaks and dry rot, which can damage your system.
Cleaning The Condenser
The condenser is a key part of any AC system, as it provides a path for the release of heat from the refrigerant. Any obstructions in this process can result in reduced efficiency and shortened system life. A clogged condenser can also cause the unit to overheat. This can lead to costly repairs, so it’s best to keep your condenser in tip-top shape. Using a coil cleaner that has a foaming action can make cleaning your condenser easier. These products come in concentrated solutions or ready-to-use spray cans, so you only have to apply them and then rinse it off with a hose. Next, vacuum up the dirt and debris from around the condenser’s fins with a shop-vac or a soft-bristled brush. This will help prevent any damage to the fins.
Rivergate Muffler & Auto Repair
If you’re not comfortable removing and cleaning your car’s AC unit yourself, it’s best to get a professional to do the job. An AC tune-up is one of the most important services you can have done on your vehicle. It can save you money, improve performance, and help your car’s AC last longer than it would have without the service. Contact Rivergate Muffler & Auto Repair today to schedule an air conditioning tune-up for your vehicle!
Categorised in: Auto AC Service
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